On Thursday, June 15th, 2017, the RIAB Minerva Center will conduct a workshop on “Social aspects of multi-linguistic settings in the Ancient Near East”. The workshop, organized by Dr. Yuval Levavi (who is a post-doc at BIU and a member of the RIAB center), will be held at the Weisfeld Lecture Hall, Feldman Building (301), Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Dr. Levavi (puyu79@gmail.com).
Here is the program:
09:00 Kathleen Abraham (KUL)Approaches to Multilingualism in the Ancient Near East
09:30 Yigal Bloch (Haifa)Alphabetic Scribes (sepīru) as Mediators between Fifferent Languages and Writing Systems in Babylonia in the 6th-5th Centuries BCE
10:00 Peter Zilberg (HUJI)People from the Indus valley in the Achaemenid Empire
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Noga Ayali-Darshan (BIU)The Significance of Linguistic Elements in the Process of the Myth’s Adaptation: Some Examples from Ancient Near Eastern Literature
11:15 Noam Miazrhi (TAU)Between Technique and Theology: A comparative reading of depictions of manufacturing cult images in Targum Jonathan for Deutero-Isaiah and Jeremiah
1011:45 Ohad Abudraham (BIU)Jewish Incantations in Early-Mandaic Epigraphic Texts: Linguistic Aspects
12:30 Lunch break
13:45 Uri Gabbay (HUJI)A Dead or Living Language? The status of Sumerian within the priestly and intellectual milieus in the first millennium BCE
14:15 Yuval Levavi (BIU)Why then in Akkadian? On the use of Akkadian in daily life of foreigners in Babylonia