A new volume in the series RIAB Center series "Research on Israel and Aram in Biblical Times" (RIAB) has just appeared, and is available on the Mohr Siebeck website.
Maeir, A. M., Berlejung, A., Eshel, E., and Oshima, T. M., eds. 2021. New Perspectives on Aramaic Epigraphy in Mesopotamia, Qumran, Egypt and Idumea: Proceedings of the Joint RIAB Minerva Center and the Jeselsohn Epigraphic Center of Jewish History. Research on Israel and Aram in Biblical Times 2. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. ISBN 978-3-16-159894-4.

Contents Angelika Berlejung/Aren Maeir: Introduction I. New Perspectives on Aramaic Epigraphy in Mesopotamia, Qumran, and Egypt Frederick Mario Fales: Aramaic Epigraphy from Assyria: New Data and Old Issues – Yuval Levavi: The Interaction Between Eanna and the Sealand in the Neo-Babylonian Period – Ran Zadok: On the Arameans and the Indigenous Population in Babylonia from the Period of the Neo-Babylonian Empire down to the End of the Sasanian Period – Daniel Machiela: The Aramaic Qumran Literature in Its Socio-Historical Setting – Tawny L. Holm: Nanay(a) Among the Arameans: New Light from Papyrus Amherst 63 – Bezalel Porten: Papyrus Amherst 63: Rumination II. Idumean Ostraca André Lemaire: The Fourth-Century BCE Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea: Problems and Tentative Solutions – Andrew D. Gross: Alexander of the Idumean Ostraca: Alexander III or Alexander IV? – Ran Zadok: On the Documentary Framework, Terminology, and Onomasticon of the Ostraca from Idumea