Interim list of planned events for the 2018/2019 academic year of the RIAB Minerva Center:
* RIAB Minerva Center workshop on the subject of “Palace-Clan Relations in the Ancient Near East” (organized by Dr. Omer Sergi), to be held in Leipzig, November 12-13, 2018. See here for the schedule: Minerva-RIAB- Palace Clan program_Nov2018
* RIAB Minerva Center workshop on the subject of “Votive offerings in Ancient Israel, Aram and Surrounding Cultures” (main presenter: Prof. Angelika Berlejung), to be held in Ramat-Gan, December 19, 2018.
* RIAB Minerva Center workshop on the subject of “Rulers and Rulership in Canaan: Between Egyptian Hegemony and Territorial states in LB-early Iron Canaan” (presenters, A. Berlejung, O. Sergi, I. Koch), to be held in Leipzig, January 15-16, 2019.
* RIAB Minerva Center Annual Meeting, on the subject of “Israel, Aram and the Phoenicians”, to be held in Ramat-Gan (BIU) and Jerusalem (IMJ), May 27-29, 2019. Additional RIAB Minerva Center events for the 2018/2019 year will be announced at a later date.
Note: Mark your calendars for the dates of the 2020 RIAB Minerva Center Annual Meeting, to be held in Leipzig and Berlin (VAM), June 1-4, 2020.