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Dr. Ido Koch

Tel Aviv University
Dr. Ido Koch

Ido Koch is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures, Tel Aviv University. He is co-director of the Tel Hadid Expedition, and co-director of Stamp-seals from the Southern Levant, a Swiss National Sciences Fund SINERGIA project (CRSII5_186426). He studies the archaeology of Bronze and Iron Ages Southern Levant, with a focus on colonialism, visual culture, and crafts. His upcoming monograph (Colonial Encounters in Southwest Canaan during the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age, Leiden, 2021) deals with the Egyptian–Levantine colonial encounters during the Late Bronze Age.

Selected Publications:

Refereed Articles in Journals

1. Lipschits, O., Sergi, O., and Koch, I. 2010. Royal Judahite Jar Handles: Reconsidering the  Chronology of the lmlk Stamp Impressions. Tel Aviv 37: 3–32.

2. Lipschits, O., Koch, I., Shaus, A., and Guil, S. 2010. The Enigma of the Biblical "bath" and the  System of Liquid Volume Measurement during the First Temple Period. Ugarit Forschungen 42: 453–478.

3. Finkelstein, I., Koch, I., and Lipschits, O. 2011. The Biblical Gilead: Observations on  Identifications, Geographic Divisions and Territorial History. Ugarit Forschungen 43: 131– 159.

4. Finkelstein, I., Koch, I., and Lipschits, O. 2011. The Mound on the Mount: A Possible  Solution to the "Problem with Jerusalem”. Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 11, article 12.

5. Lipschits, O., Sergi, O., and Koch, I. 2011 Judahite Stamped and Incised Jar Handles: A Tool  for Studying the History of Late Monarchic Judah. Tel Aviv 38: 5–41.

6. Koch, I. 2012. The "Chariots of the Sun" (2 Kings 23:11). Semitica 54: 211–219.

7. Koch, I., and Lipschits, O. 2013. The Rosette Stamped Jar Handle System and the Kingdom  of Judah at the end of the First Temple Period. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 129: 55–78.

8. Koch, I. 2014. Goose Keeping, Elite Emulation and Egyptianized Feasting at Late Bronze  Lachish. Tel Aviv 41: 161–179.

9. Cassuto, D., Koch, I., and Shai, I. 2015. A Note on an Amenhotep III Plaque from Tel Burna.  Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 7(4): 21–26.

10. Koch, I. 2016. Notes on Three South Canaanite Sites in the el-Amarna Correspondence. Tel  Aviv 43: 91–98.

11. Oeming, M., Ras, K., Koch, I., Weinberg-Cohen, A., Gadot, Y., and Lipschits, O. 2016. Late  Bronze Age Figurines from Tel Azekah. Ugarit Forschungen 47: 205–219.

12. Koch, I. 2017. Revisiting the Fosse Temple at Lachish. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern  Religions 17: 64–75

13. Koch, I., Kleiman, S., Oeming, M., Gadot, Y. and Lipschits, O. 2017. Amulets in Context:  Scarabs and Figurative Amulets from Late Bronze Age III Tel Azekah. Journal of Ancient  Egyptian Interconnections 16: 9–24.

14. Koch, I. 2017. Egyptian Scarabs in Southwest Canaan in the Late Bronze and Iron I:  Observations from a Local Perspective. قرشلا Ash-sharq, Bulletin of the Ancient Near East  Archaeological, Historical and Societal Studies 1/2: 294–303.

15. Koch, I. 2018. The Egyptian-Canaanite Interface as Colonial Encounter: A View from  Southwest Canaan. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 18: 24–39.

16. Koch, I. and Sapir-Hen, L. 2018. Beersheba–Arad Valley during the Assyrian Period.  Semitica 60: 431–456.

17. Koch, I. 2018. Introductory Framework for Assyrian–Levantine Colonial Encounters.  Semitica 60: 367–397.

18. Sweeney, D., Hermann, C., Koch, I., Gadot, Y., Oeming, M., and Lipschits, O. 2018. A Triad  Amulet from Tel Azekah. Israel Exploration Journal 68: 129–149.

19. Lipschits, O., Kleiman, S., Koch, I., Berendt, K., Linares, V., Richardson, S., Oeming, M., and  Gadot, Y. 2019. Late Bronze Age Azekah and its Terminal Breath. Biblical Archaeology  Review 45(1): 32–38, 70.

20. Koch, I. 2019. Religion at Lachish under Egyptian Colonialism. Die Welt des Orients 49(2):  161–182.

21. Koch, I., Warner, D., Yannai, E., Pruit, L.L., Cole, D., and Parker, J. 2020. Forced  Resettlement and Immigration at Tel Hadid. Biblical Archaeology Review 46 (32): 28–37.

Refereed Articles in Books

22. Koch, I. 2018. Late Iron Age I Southwestern Canaanite Multi-Facet Stamp-Amulets:  Innovative Imagery and Interpreted Egyptian Heritage. Pp. 632–652 in Shai, I., Chadwick,  J.R., Hitchcock, L.H., Dagan, A., McKinny, C. and Uziel, J. eds. Tell it in Gath: Studies in the  History and Archaeology of Israel—Essays in Honor of Aren M. Maeir on the Occasion of  his Sixtieth Birthday (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 90). Münster: Ugarit-Verlag.

Chapters in Books

23. Koch, I. 2015. Rosette Stamped Jar Handles. Pp. 243–245 in Beit-Arieh, I. and Freud, L. eds.  Tel Malḥata, a Central City in the Biblical Negev. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.

24. Koch, I. 2016. Rosette Stamped Impressions. Pp. 371–388 in Lipschits, O., Gadot, Y., and  Freud, L. eds. Ramat Raḥel 3. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.

25. Koch, I. 2016. Prancing Horse Impression. Pp. 368–370 in Lipschits, O., Gadot, Y., and Freud,  L. eds. Ramat Raḥel 3. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.

26. Koch, I. and Lipschits, O. 2016. Hebrew Epigraphic Incisions. Pp. 477–481 in Lipschits, O.,  Gadot, Y., and Freud, L. eds. Ramat Raḥel 3. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.

27. Bocher, E. and Koch, I. 2016. Late Roman and Byzantine Architectural Elements. Pp. 635–642 in Lipschits, O., Gadot, Y., and Freud, L. eds. Ramat Raḥel 3. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.

28. Koch, I. and Lipschits, O. 2016. “Private” Stamp Impressions on Jar Handles. Pp. 342–355 in  Lipschits, O., Gadot, Y., and Freud, L. eds. Ramat Raḥel 3. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.

29. Lipschits, O. and Koch, I. 2016. Lion Stamp Impressions. Pp. 389–408 in Lipschits, O., Gadot,  Y., and Freud, L. eds. Ramat Raḥel 3. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.

30. Ras, K., Bocher, E. and Koch, I. 2016. Persian Period Stamp Impressions. Pp. 437–446 in Lipschits, O., Gadot, Y., and Freud, L. eds. Ramat Raḥel 3. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.

31. Sergi, O. and Koch, I. 2016. Concentric Circle Incisions on Jar Handles. Pp. 356–367 in Lipschits, O., Gadot, Y., and Freud, L. eds. Ramat Raḥel 3. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.

32. Tepper, Y., Bocher, E. and Koch, I. 2016. Stamp Impressions of the Roman Tenth Legion. Pp.  461–472 in Lipschits, O., Gadot, Y., and Freud, L. eds. Ramat Raḥel 3. Winona Lake:  Eisenbrauns.

33. Koch, I. 2017. Early Philistia Revisited and Revised. Pp. 189–205 in Lipschits, O., Gadot, Y.  and Adams, M.J. eds. Rethinking Israel: Studies in the History and Archaeology of Ancient  Israel in Honor of Israel Finkelstein. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.

34. Koch, I. 2017. Settlements and Interactions in the Shephelah during the Late-2nd—Early-1st  Millennia BCE. Pp. 181–207 in Lipschits, O. and Maeir, A. M. eds. The Shephelah during the Iron Age: Recent Archaeological Studies. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.

35. Koch, I. 2019. Southwestern Canaan and Egypt during the Late Bronze Age I–IIA. Pp. 262– 282 in Maeir, A.M., Shai, I., and McKinny, C. eds. The Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages of  Southern Canaan (Archaeology of the Biblical World 2). Berlin: De Gruyter.

36. Kleiman, S., Koch, I., Webster, L., Linares, V., Berendt, K., Sergi, O., Oeming, M., Gadot, Y.,  and Lipschits, O. 2019. Late Bronze Age Azekah – An Almost Forgotten Story. Pp. 37–61 in A.

M. Maeir, I. Shai, and C. McKinny, eds. The Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages of Southern  Canaan (Archaeology of the Biblical World 2). Berlin: De Gruyter.

37. Sergi, O., Lipschits, O., and Koch, I. 2019. Memories of the Early Israelite Monarchy in the  Books of Samuel and Kings. Pp. 173–193 in Koch, I., Römer, T. and Sergi, O. eds. Writing,  Rewriting, and Overwriting in the Books of Deuteronomy and the Former Prophets (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 304). Leuven, Paris and Bristol CT:  Leuven.

38. Koch, I. 2019. Pictorial Novelties in Context: Assyrian Iconography in Judah. Pp. 151–163 in  Čapek, F. and Lipschits, O. eds. The Last Century in the History of Judah: The Seventh  Century BCE in Archaeological, Historical, and Biblical Perspectives (Ancient Israel and Its  Literature 37). Atlanta: SBL.

39. Koch, I. 2020. On Philistines and early Israelite Kings. Pp. 7–31 in Krause, J.J., Sergi, O., and  Weingart, K. eds. Saul, Benjamin, and the Emergence of Monarchy in Israel: Biblical and  Archaeological Perspective (Ancient Israel and Its Literature 40). Atlanta: SBL.


40. Koch, I., Römer, T. and Sergi, O. 2019. Writing, Rewriting and Overwriting in the Books of  Deuteronomy and the Former Prophets: Essays in Honour of Cynthia Edenburg. Leuven:  Peeters.

Publications in Hebrew

Books and Monographs

41. Koch, I. 2018. The Shadow of Egypt: Colonial Encounters in Southwest Canaan during the  Late Bronze and the early Iron Age. Jerusalem: Yad Yitzhak Ben-Zvi.

Refereed Articles in Journals

42. Koch, I., and Lipschits, O. 2010. The Final Days of the Kingdom of Judah in Light of the  Rosette-Stamped Jar Handles. Cathedra 137: 7–26.

43. Koch, I. 2012. The Geopolitical Situation in the Judean Lowland during the Iron Age I–IIa  (1150–800 BCE). Cathedra 143: 45–64.

Refereed Articles in Books

44. Koch, I. 2018. New Light on the Glyptic Finds from Late Iron Age Jerusalem and Judah. Pp.  29–46 in Uziel, J., Gadot, Y., Zelinger, Y., and Peleg-Barkat, O. eds. New Studies in the  Archaeology and Jerusalem and Its Region 12. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority.

45. Lipschits, O. and Koch, I. 2019. Blinded by the Light: Destruction Levels as a Tool for  Understanding Processes of Material Culture Development—The Iron Age IIb–IIc as a Test  Case. Pp. 189–208 in Peleg-Barkat, O., Zelinger, Y., Uziel, J. and Gadot, Y. eds. New Studies in  the Archaeology of Jerusalem and Its Region: Collected Papers 13. Jerusalem: Israel  Antiquities Authority.

Chapters in Books

46. Koch, I. 2017. Stamp-Amulets from Iron IIA Shephelah: Preliminary Conclusions regarding  Production and Distribution, Pictorial Assemblage, and Function. In: Faust, A. and Baruch, E.  eds. New Studies on Jerusalem 22. Ramat Gan: 75–93 and 10*.

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